What is reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese method of relaxation which has been proven to be a valuable adjunct therapy for those trying to heal physically, spiritually and/or emotionally. It is offered in over 800 hospitals nationwide for this reason. 

What does a session look like for you?

A typical session begins with a discussion about what brought you in and also answers any questions you may have. Clients will then sit or lie down as I place my hands on specific energy centers on the body and/or in the aura, depending on your comfort level with touch. This therapy can also be done remotely. A deep state of relaxation develops and it is in that state that healing can take place.

After the session, we will recap your experience and I will also deliver any intuitive insight I may have gained during the session.

  • 30 minute session

    (Align chakras, energy clearing, refuel your Spirit)


  • 60 minute session

    (Align chakras, energy clearing, refuel your Spirit, transmute trauma, messages from Spirit)


  • 90 minute session


    (Align chakras, energy clearing, refuel your Spirit, transmute trauma, messages from Spirit, shamanic energy medicine methods applied, before and after discussion)